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To view this page at it's best, you need to have Curlz MT and Comic Sans MS installed. (Download curlz___.ttf and comic.ttf). Then follow these instructions:-  

It's simple enough to install a font under Windows '95...  

1) Right-Click once over "curlz___.ttf".  

2) Choose "Cut" by clicking on it with the left mouse button.  

3) Go to the directory where you installed Windows '95 (Usually  

4) Once in the Windows '95 directory, enter the font directory (c:\windows\fonts\).  

5) Make sure your cursor is not over a file, and right-click.  

6) Select paste. 

7) Repeat steps 1-6, but instead of cutting & pasting "curlz___.ttf" cut & paste "comic.ttf".

Success! The Curlz MT and Comic Sans MS font's should now be installed. If you have any more problems, please email me at [email protected].  

Daniel Brocklebank.

Now go back and see the site in all it's glory!.